2024 Spring Newsletter

In November, the Kenyan Certificate of Primary Education examinations were held. Three of the 45 children you support took part, and while they all did really well, one in particular was exceptional: Sharon Wangari. Sharon was born on the 9th of February 2009...

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2024 Patrick Newsletter

We are delighted to let you know that Patrick will be here in the UK visiting Lammack Methodist Church and meeting as many ‘Friends’ as possible. During their wedding in February 2010, Patrick and Lydia made a promise to help the lives of the orphaned...

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Autumn Newsletter 2018 + Cross Bay Walk

On Saturday 7th July 2018 23 ‘Friends’ of the Patrick Muthuri Family Foundation completed the Cross Morecambe Bay Walk to raise funds on behalf of the orphaned and disadvantaged children of Kijijone and Meru. Almost 400 walkers made the crossing representing 6 charities led by...

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Spring Newsletter 2018 + Kijijone Visit

The purpose of our visit to Kijijone was to celebrate the 8th Anniversary of the Patrick Muthuri Family Foundation. To meet as many children as possible who receive support/sponsorship from the ‘Foundation’ and ‘Friends’ of PMFF here in the UK, to visit their families and...

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Spring Newsletter 2017

A lot has happened since the launch of the Friends of Patrick Muthuri Family Foundation - UK during March of last year. How time flies… Patrick and Lydia Muthuri. Patrick and Lydia work tirelessly to raise funds in support of the Patrick Muthuri Family Foundation-Kenya. In February,...

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Autumn Newsletter 2016

Dear Friends, such a lot has happened since the launch of Friends of Patrick Muthuri Family Foundation in the Spring of this year. The most obvious being that…we have a new logo, courtesy of ‘Square Cactus’ a marketing company based here in Blackburn who kindly...

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